Portal to Paragon is a captivating children's book written by Johanna Gohmann and illustrated by Carissa Harris. The story follows the adventures of the main character as they discover a mystical portal that transports them to the magical world of Paragon. Through vivid illustrations and engaging storytelling, readers are taken on a journey filled with wonder, imagination, and excitement. With its delightful narrative and enchanting artwork, Portal to Paragon is sure to spark the imagination of young readers and take them on a magical adventure beyond their wildest dreams.
Set Includes:
Set Includes:
- A Meek Adventure Vol. 1
- A Tangle of Trees Vol. 2
- Beware the Boomslang Vol. 3
- Trapped! Vol. 4
- Spread Your Wings Vol. 5
- Whispers of Revolution Vol. 6
Grade Level: 2-5
Reading Level: Grade 3
Format: Reinforced Library Bound Hardcover
Book Dimensions: 8 in.H x 5-3/4 in.W
Reading Level: Grade 3
Format: Reinforced Library Bound Hardcover
Book Dimensions: 8 in.H x 5-3/4 in.W